Balabac Palawan Philippines



The video opens with an enthusiastic introduction to the stunning beauty of Balabac, Philippines. Described as “heaven on earth,” Balabac’s clear water and natural splendor immediately captivate the viewer. The host expresses his excitement about sharing the upcoming experiences in two videos, setting the stage for an immersive exploration of this tropical paradise.

Journey to Balabac

The journey begins at Puerto Princesa, the capital of the island province of Palawan. From there, the host and his companions embark on a long bus ride to the port. Upon arrival at the port, they patiently wait for their driver to complete the necessary paperwork before they can start their adventure.

Boat Tour

The exploration of Balabac takes place on a private boat that will serve as their mode of transportation for the next few days. The host introduces the tour guide, Willie, and the driver, Gilbert, who will accompany them on their journey. As they set off, they begin with a tour of the port area, providing viewers with a glimpse of the local life and setting the stage for the adventures to come.

First Island Visit

The first stop on their journey is an island inhabited by a few kids. The host marvels at the incredibly blue water and the peaceful environment, providing viewers with a sense of the tranquility and natural beauty that Balabac has to offer.

Second Island Visit

Leaving the first island behind, they set off for the second island, where they plan to have lunch. Upon arrival, the host is immediately struck by the clear, blue water and the white sand, which is so bright that it’s difficult to look at without sunglasses. The host forgets the name of the island but promises to include it later, adding a touch of mystery to the adventure.

Swimming in the Blue Water

Unable to resist the allure of the blue water, the host decides to go for a swim. Describing it as the bluest water he’s ever swam in, he dives in, capturing the viewer’s imagination with his vivid descriptions. During their swim, they encounter an octopus, adding an element of surprise and excitement to their adventure.

Leaving the Second Island

After their swim, they prepare to leave the second island and head to their campsite. The host expresses his excitement about the upcoming campsite, which is said to have an amazing beach and powdery white sand. The anticipation builds as they prepare to embark on the next leg of their journey.

Boat Ride to the Campsite

The journey to the campsite takes an hour by boat from the second island. During the ride, they spot several octopuses and a unicorn fish, adding a touch of marine life exploration to their adventure.

Arrival at the Beach Camp in Balabac

Upon arrival at the beach camp in Balabac, the host is immediately impressed by its remote beauty. They are greeted with snacks and sprite upon arrival, adding a touch of hospitality to their adventure. The host comments on the softness of the sand and expresses his excitement about giving a tour of the area.

Future Developments in Balabac

During their exploration of the campsite, the host notices a construction site, which he speculates might be a future hotel or resort. They learn from Willie that there are plans to build three hotels on the land owned by a big guy in Manila. The host reflects on the potential changes that these developments could bring to Balabac, transforming it from a remote location with no internet to a major resort.

Tour of the Beach Camp

The host gives a tour of the beach camp, emphasizing that it’s not a luxury experiencedue to its remote location. Despite its remoteness, the campsite offers a range of amenities that add to the comfort and enjoyment of their stay. They show the bamboo-made hammocks, perfect for relaxing and soaking in the beauty of the surroundings. The restaurant area with a bar is another highlight, offering a place to enjoy meals and drinks. Their beach teepee is a cozy accommodation option, complete with a bed and mosquito net. They also show the food they’ve been served, which includes fresh tuna, rice, chicken with vegetables, and mangoes, providing a taste of the local cuisine.

Night at the Beach Camp

As night falls, the host mentions the presence of many insects, including sand flies. However, they assure viewers that they’re prepared with bug spray and appropriate clothing. They also spot a bat hanging around the camp, adding a touch of wildlife to their night at the beach camp.

Morning at the Beach Camp

The next morning, the host greets the viewers and announces that they’re heading out on an adventure. The excitement is palpable as they prepare to explore more of Balabac’s natural beauty.

Journey to Onok Island

They set out for Onok Island, which is described as looking straight out of the Maldives. The anticipation of seeing turtles during their journey adds an element of wildlife spotting to their adventure.

Arrival at Onok Island

Upon arrival at Onok Island, the host is immediately struck by its beauty. They spot a turtle on their way to the island, adding to the excitement of their arrival. The host is impressed by the scenery and looks forward to spending the whole day on the island.

Turtle Spotting

One of the highlights of their visit to Onok Island is spotting multiple turtles around the island. They go swimming with the turtles, providing viewers with a glimpse of these majestic creatures in their natural habitat.

Exploring the Sandbar

Next, they explore a beautiful sandbar and marvel at the color of the water. The host expresses disbelief at being in such a remote and beautiful location, capturing the viewer’s imagination with his vivid descriptions.

Exploring Onok Island

The exploration of Onok Island continues as they decide to explore the rest of the island. The host is impressed by the softness and fineness of the sand, which is described as powdery and fluffy.

Plan to See Big Clams

The adventure on Onok Island continues with a plan to see some big clams off the coast. They also plan to go snorkeling deeper out, adding an element of underwater exploration to their adventure.

Boat Ride to See the Clams

They embark on a boat ride to see the clams. During the ride, they encounter big waves and get drenched, adding a touch of adventure to their journey.

Relaxing in a Natural Jacuzzi

After the boat ride, they relax in a natural jacuzzi. The warm water provides a soothing contrast to their cold experience on the boat, offering a moment of relaxation amidst their adventure.

Reflections on the Day

Back at the camp, they reflect on their day. The host compares the beauty of the location to the Maldives and expresses his gratitude for the opportunity to experience such a beautiful place. They recommend their tour group, Wanders and Walkers, and mention their upcoming live streams on the Heygo app.

Exploring the Rest of Onok Island

The host and his companions decide to explore the rest of Onok Island. They traverse a long pier, taking in the tropical scenery and the white sandy beaches. The host is particularly taken by the palm trees right next to the water, describing the scene as “tropical”. The sand on the island is described as some of the softest the host has ever seen, reinforcing the island’s idyllic nature.

Seeing Big Clams

The group sets out to see the big clams that are said to be just off the coast of Onok Island. The anticipation of seeing these large marine creatures adds another layer of excitement to their adventure. They also plan to go snorkeling in deeper waters, promising more underwater exploration.

Boat Ride and Natural Jacuzzi

The journey to see the clams involves a thrilling boat ride. The waves are big and the group gets drenched, adding a touch of adventure to the experience. After the boat ride, they find a natural jacuzzi. The warm water provides a welcome contrast to the cold sea water, and the group relaxes and warms up in the natural hot tub.

Reflections on Onok Island

Back at the camp, the host reflects on the day’s experiences. He is in awe of the beauty of Onok Island and compares it to the Maldives. He expresses his disbelief at being in such a remote and beautiful location, and shares his appreciation for the opportunity to experience such a place.

Live Streaming Announcement

The host announces that he and Emilia will be live streaming on the Heygo app on the 24th of May, the 28th of May, the 1st of June, and the 5th of June. He invites viewers to join them for these live streams, promising exciting content.

Conclusion of the Video

The host thanks viewers for watching the video and mentions that there will be a part two of their Balabac adventure. He encourages viewers to subscribe to their channel to ensure they don’t miss the next video. With a promise to see viewers in the next video, the host signs off, leaving viewers with anticipation for the next part of their Balabac adventure.

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