How To List A Staycation?

I have a rental property intended for booking, how can I get it listed at

The good news is, it’s free!

Getting listed on our site is FREE! However, you have to help us come up with the content because currently, we do all the writing of information and uploading of media. We do this to ensure that the data published on our pages are accurate and true.

Another reason is security. We do not want scammers to create pages with fake information.

What do we require from you?

Basically, your information. We need to know your terms, public policies, amenities, contact info, and booking details.

If you have a public post in which we can get these details, we can pick them up from there. You also need to allow us to download images from your social media accounts or send us high-resolution photos. Minimum of 15, best with more than 30.

Alternatively, you may download the listing form provided in the link below. Fill it out and send it to

Once received, we will acknowledge it. And then, we will communicate with you via email once the listing is published/live or we need to get back to you if there is anything else we need to confirm.

Have a great day.